New changes to Australian Standard Termite Management for Part B Treatments
Posted on 11 February 2017

There will be NO Chemical spraying after the 30th April 2017 Builders take note: *If you are starting a new construction before the 1st of May 2017, you must now include in your costs a physical barrier or reticulated system (if the job is not completed by the 1st of May 2017) If you are in the middle of construction and it will be finished by the 30th of April 2017, then a Part B chemical spray treatment can be completed. *Any job that is under construction at the moment and is not at brick stage, then most termite companies can install a physical barrier (below are the reasons why a physical barrier is a preferred option) Most Termite companies prefer to use Termseal Ura-Fen Shield or TermX Reticulated System Termseal Ura-Fen Shield can be placed on top of the slab the day after it has been poured, and sits under the frames bottom plate and can also be used as a damp coarse as well. Once the bricks are completed, it is too late to install this product. TermX Reticulated System is usually installed after lockup. It is placed around the perimeter rebate edge of the slab at about 50mm below the top of rebate. Filler boxes are placed at 10 metre intervals, and if installing concrete paths or driveways, they are placed at the concrete level. A return trip is needed to pump chemicals through the reticulated system once all backfill or landscaping is completed. Benefits of Termseal Ura-Fen Shield compared to TermX Reticulated system. *Less expensive than Termx Reticulated system *Once installed, Termseal has a 50 year life with no retreatment needed, whereas TermX needs to be replenished every 3 years *Once the slab is poured, Termseal can be installed the next day and no other call up is required. In comparison, once TermX is installed, another call up is required to pump chemical through the system. *No filler boxes are visible around the house as Termseal is hidden from sight between the brickwork. This change is likely to hike up construction prices.
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